Buy Local Pasadena Blog

Repent of Your Shopping Sins and Save Our Local Economies
July 10, 2008, 6:14 pm
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What Would Jesus Buy image

The way to multi-national corporate doom may be broad, but Rev. Billy and the Church of Stop Shopping are saving souls from the fiery flames and pointing them on the narrow path of righteousness and sutainability. The right reverend has major Pasadena cred. for coming out this year to serve as grand marshall for the Doo Dah Parade – the more weird (and thus superior?) version of the Rose Parade. All the more reason you should go now and rent (try local option Penny Lane Videos on South Lake) or buy a copy of “What Would Jesus Buy” – a new documentary featuring the evangelistic journey of Rev. Billy and the Church of Stop Shopping to save the world from the shopocalypse.

I appreciated this film on many levels – not least that it is just plain well-done. As it relates to our discussion here I want to point out the solutions the film points toward amidst the proclamtion of consumer-induced doom. The Church of Stop Shopping nuances the cease shopping argument a little as the film goes on by admitting that no one can just STOP shopping entirely. The way out of this quandry? BUY LOCAL (with an additional nod to fair trade)!

If you are more of the altar call type – and not so excited by numbers and graphs – then this film will have you repenting of your shopping sins and signing a pledge card to use your consumer power more wisely – Rev. Billy may even cast out the demon of consumerism from your very body as you reach to touch the TV screen Jimmy Swaggart style.

One of the many things that stuck with me from the film was one commentators note as the camera panned across a busy suburban neighborhood that with the lack of sidewalks and public spaces in our neighborhoods we are all either in our homes or in a car headed for a shopping mall. We deserve more than that. Repent and be saved from the Shopocalypse – Oh and buy local!

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